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abstract val identifier: Identifier

Platform specific identifier for the remote peripheral. On some platforms, this can be used to "restore" a previously known peripheral for reconnection.

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abstract val isConnectable: Boolean?

Returns if the peripheral is connectable.

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The Manufacturer Specific Data, or null if none provided in the Advertisement packet.

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abstract val name: String?

The name in the Advertisement.

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abstract val peripheralName: String?

It is recommended that name be used instead, as the backing value for peripheralName may differ between the various platforms.

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abstract val rssi: Int

The received signal strength, in dBm, of the packet received.

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abstract val txPower: Int?

The TX Power Level data type indicates the transmitted/radiated power level of the Advertisement packet. The path loss on a received packet may be calculated using the following equation: pathloss = txPower – rssi

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abstract val uuids: List<Uuid>

A list of Service or Service Class UUIDs. According to the BLE specification, GAP and GATT service UUIDs should not be included here.


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abstract fun manufacturerData(companyIdentifierCode: Int): ByteArray?

Lookup the Manufacturer Specific Data by

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abstract fun serviceData(uuid: Uuid): ByteArray?

Lookup the data associated with a Service