Package-level declarations
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE characteristic. Holds a strong reference to underlying characteristic.
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE characteristic. Holds a strong reference to underlying characteristic.
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE descriptor. Holds a strong reference to underlying descriptor.
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE descriptor. Holds a strong reference to underlying descriptor.
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE service. Holds a strong reference to underlying service.
Wrapper around platform specific Bluetooth LE service. Holds a strong reference to underlying service.
Marks API that is experimental and/or likely to change.
All Filters are supported on all platforms, except for Filter.Address, which is only supported on Android.
Filtering on Service Data is not supported because it is not implemented:
Thrown on Android when underlying android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice
method call returns false
. This can occur under the following conditions:
Represents an Android GATT status failure.
Thrown when underlying BluetoothGatt write operation call fails.
An Error that signifies that an unexpected condition or state was encountered in the Kable internals.
Marks declarations that are obsolete in Kable API, which means that the design of the corresponding declarations has known flaws/drawbacks and they will be redesigned or replaced in the future.
A ThreadingStrategy that creates "threads" when acquired and immediately shuts down when released.
A ThreadingStrategy that pools unused "threads" until evictAfter time has elapsed.
Obtains a nearby Peripheral via device picker. Returns null
if dialog is cancelled (e.g. user dismissed dialog by clicking outside of dialog or clicking cancel button).