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Represents possible write operation results, as defined by Android's WriteOperationReturnValues IntDef.


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abstract val address: String

Returns the hardware address of this AndroidPeripheral.

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abstract val identifier: Identifier

Platform specific identifier for the remote peripheral. On some platforms, this can be used to "restore" a previously known peripheral for reconnection.

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abstract val mtu: StateFlow<Int?>

StateFlow of the most recently negotiated MTU. The MTU will change upon a successful request to change the MTU (via requestMtu), or if the peripheral initiates an MTU change. StateFlow's value will be null until MTU is negotiated.

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abstract val name: String?

The peripheral name, as provided by the underlying bluetooth system. This value is system dependent and is not necessarily the Generic Access Profile (GAP) device name.

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The list of services (GATT profile) which have been discovered on the remote peripheral.

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abstract val state: StateFlow<State>

Provides a conflated Flow of the Peripheral's State.

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@get:RequiresPermission(anyOf = ["android.permission.BLUETOOTH", "android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT"])
abstract val type: AndroidPeripheral.Type

Get the type of the peripheral.


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abstract suspend fun connect()

Initiates a connection, suspending until connected, or failure occurs. Multiple concurrent invocations will all suspend until connected (or failure occurs). If already connected, then returns immediately.

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abstract suspend fun disconnect()

Disconnects the active connection, or cancels an in-flight connection attempt, suspending until Peripheral has settled on a disconnected state.

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abstract fun observe(characteristic: Characteristic, onSubscription: OnSubscriptionAction = {}): Flow<ByteArray>

Observes changes to the specified Characteristic.

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abstract suspend fun read(characteristic: Characteristic): ByteArray

Reads data from characteristic.

abstract suspend fun read(descriptor: Descriptor): ByteArray

Reads data from descriptor.

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abstract suspend fun requestMtu(mtu: Int): Int

Requests that the current connection's MTU be changed. Suspends until the MTU changes, or failure occurs. The negotiated MTU value is returned, which may not be mtu value requested if the remote peripheral negotiated an alternate MTU.

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abstract suspend fun rssi(): Int
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abstract suspend override fun write(descriptor: Descriptor, data: ByteArray)
abstract suspend override fun write(characteristic: Characteristic, data: ByteArray, writeType: WriteType)