Package-level declarations


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interface DelayStrategy

Interface, using the strategy pattern, for an implementer to delay for periods of time.

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Dynamic DelayStrategy, allowing for switching between multiple other DelayStrategies utilizing a trigger (to provide an input) and a selector function (to determine a resulting DelayStrategy from said input).

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class ExponentialBackoff(baseTimeMillis: Long = DEFAULT_BASE_TIME_MILLIS, multiplier: Float = DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER, minimumDelayMillis: Long = DEFAULT_MINIMUM_DELAY, maximumDelayMillis: Long = DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DELAY) : DelayStrategy

DelayStrategy with an exponentially increasing delay, calculated with getExponentialBackoffMillis.

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class FixedDelay(delayMillis: Long) : DelayStrategy

DelayStrategy that, when await is called, will delay for a fixed amount of time, specified by delayMillis.