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Implementation of Kanvas which wraps a native Android Canvas.

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class CGContextKanvas(unmanagedContext: CGContextRef, width: Double, height: Double)

It is the calling code's responsibility to ensure that unmanagedContext outlives this object.

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sealed class Clip

Describes an area to be included or excluded in future draw calls.

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data class Font(val names: List<String>)

Fonts are provided as a list of family names, in descending priority.

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class HtmlKanvas(element: HTMLCanvasElement, scalingFactor: Float = 1.0f) : Kanvas, IsPointInPath
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interface IsPointInPath
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interface Kanvas

Something to draw on. Implementations are not required to be safe across multiple threads.

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abstract class KanvasView(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : View

Base class for custom Views implemented using Krayon.

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sealed class Paint

A descriptor for how shapes should be painted.

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class PaintCache(context: Context, initial: Map<Paint, Paint> = emptyMap())
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class Path
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interface PathBuilder<out P>

Interface used by a PathTypeMarker to generate platform types for Path instances.

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interface PathTypeMarker<P : Any>

Used to bridge the gap between a Path and the platform type required by a Kanvas.

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abstract class RelativePathBuilder<P> : PathBuilder<P>

Handles relative path building when the underlying output type can't.

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class ScaledIsPointInPath(scalingFactor: Float = 1.0f) : IsPointInPath

Unlike other platforms, Android doesn't provide an actual way of checking if a point is contained in a path. Android does, however, allow you to intersect paths. As such, check if a very small rectangle around the actual touch point overlaps with the path.

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sealed class Transform

Represents a transformation. Usually, these will boil down to matrix operations.


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const val DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT: Float = 4.0f

Default chosen to match SVG. See

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const val monospace: String
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const val sansSerif: String
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const val serif: String


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fun addFontAssociation(fontName: String, @FontRes fontRes: Int)

Associate a to a FontRes id. As a best-practice, do this up front for any fonts that might be used, as calls to addFontAssociation are cheap and the behavior for missing associations is expensive (Resources.getIdentifier).

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fun AndroidKanvas(context: Context, canvas: Canvas, scalingFactor: Float = 1.0f, paintCache: PaintCache = PaintCache(context)): AndroidKanvas

Create an AndroidKanvas.

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Converts a pivoted rotate into an ordered transformation of translate, rotate, translate.

Converts a pivoted scale into an ordered transformation of translate, scale, translate.

Converts a bi-direction skew into an ordered transformation of horizontal skew and vertical skew.

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inline fun Kanvas.withClip(clip: Clip, actions: Kanvas.() -> Unit)

Invokes actions inside of a Kanvas.pushClip/Kanvas.pop pair.

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inline fun Kanvas.withTransform(transform: Transform, actions: Kanvas.() -> Unit)

Invokes actions inside of a Kanvas.pushTransform/Kanvas.pop pair.